, 2004), as well as improving tactile acuity of the index finger when applied on the approximate area of its cortical representation (Tegenthoff et al., 2005). Intermittent high-frequency stimulation (iHFS), a form of repetitive peripheral tactile stimulation of the index finger, is similarly effective in improving tactile http://www.selleckchem.com/products/SP600125.html acuity (Ragert et al., 2008) and, as we show here, also increases cortical excitability. Ragert et al. (2003) demonstrated that rTMS and peripheral tactile stimulation can interact when applied simultaneously,
with one potentiating the other’s effect on tactile acuity, although their results suggested a potential ceiling limit to the combined effect, or a possible homeostatic mechanism controlling the possible range of plastic alterations. In this study, we aimed to investigate the extent to which these two interventions (rTMS and tactile iHFS) would interact when applied consecutively. Additionally, we sought to determine if two kinds of parameters, behavioural and neurophysiological, are affected by the interaction in similar ways. We
tested three groups, each with 15 subjects, who were all right-handed (20 females, aged 20–28 years; mean age, 24 years). Subjects gave their written informed consent prior to participating. The study protocol was approved by the local ethics committee of the Ruhr-University Bochum, and the project protocol was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. To study changes in cortical excitability, we applied a paired-pulse protocol consisting
of paired electrical median nerve stimulation, selleck compound with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 30 ms. Stimulation of the median nerve was selected in order to establish a link between the SEP recordings and the cortical representation of the right index finger selected for the two stimulation protocols (rTMS and iHFS). Nerve stimulation was performed using a block electrode placed on the wrist (pulse duration, 0.2 ms; repetition rate of the paired stimuli, 2 Hz; ISI between paired stimuli, 30 ms). The median nerve stimulation intensity was set at the motor threshold, defined as the intensity at which a visible contraction of the thenar muscles was detected, and was kept constant for each subject throughout the experiment. Subjects were asked to report a prickling Org 27569 phenomenon in the thumb, index and middle fingers of the stimulated hand in order to verify correct positioning of the stimulating block electrode. During median nerve stimulation and SEP recordings, subjects were seated in a comfortable chair, and were instructed to relax and to stay awake, with their eyes closed. SEPs were recorded and stored for offline analysis using a Schwarzer 8 apparatus (bandpass filter 2–2000 Hz). Paired-pulse SEP recordings were made using a two-electrode array. One electrode was located over the SI, 2 cm posterior to the C3 position (C3′), according to the International 10–20 system.