The reaction was performed at 42 C for 30 minutes and subsequently terminated by boiling for 5 minutes. The obtained cDNA was then diluted to 100 uL with diethylpyrocarbonate treated H2O, and the diluents were stored at ?20 C prior to use. With the obtained cDNA as a template, the relative expres sion levels of Nogo A from the animals receiving Enzalutamide molecular weight experi mental treatment were determined by PCR. was designed for the ampli fication of actin as an internal control. The final PCR products were analyzed on an agarose gel, and the relative intensity was determined using semiquantitative densi tometry in conjunction with AlphaEase software. Western blot analysis The protein samples from various treatments were resolved by SDS PAGE. The post TBI rats were decapitated and the brains were removed at different time points after TBI.
Following the dissection, the hippocampus was weighed and promptly homogenized in six volumes Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of ice cold homogenizing buffer, which contained 9. 91 mM tris base, 0. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 32 M sucrose, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and proteases. Total proteins were fractionated on an 8% sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel and the resolved proteins were Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries electrophoretically Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries transferred to a polyvinyli dene difluoride membrane. The blotted membrane was then subjected to antibody detection. Polyclonal anti Nogo A antibodies were used as primary antibodies, which were then detected by the secondary rabbit anti goat anti body and visualized by an enhanced chemiluminescence assay. We used actin as the internal control.
Finally, the relative protein level of Nogo A was quantified using semi quantitative densitometry equipped with AlphaEase soft ware. IL 1 detection In our previous studies, we demonstrated that TBI could induce significant IL 1B overproduction and neuronal damage in the hippocampus and that the administration of an Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries IL 1B antagonist could effectively protect animals from the trauma associated damage. To elucidate the correlation between TBI associated alterations in Nogo A expression and the effects of indomethacin on IL 1B production, IL 1B expression was re examined in this study by RT PCR and ELISA. As in the prior study, the total RNA from the hippocampus of each rat was isolated for cDNA synthesis, and the obtained cDNA was used for PCR analysis. The subse quent analysis procedure assessing the PCR product for IL 1B expression was similar to that for the Nogo A deter mination. The concentration of IL 1 was also measured using a commercial ELISA kit according to the manufac turers this site instructions. Water content measurement Rats were decapitated under deep anesthesia with 100 mgkg pentobarbital. The brains were quickly removed and their wet weights were measured. The tissue was dried at 120 C for 24 hours.