38) Behm et al.39) then used microbubbles targeted to neutrophils, monocyte α5 – integrins, and VCAM-1 at different time points after iliac ligation. They demonstrated that early after Selleckchem GDC-0068 ligation, all 3 components were present, followed by a precipitous decline in neutrophil signal after 2-4 days after ligation, with persistence of monocyte and VCAM signal
until day 7. Improvement in tissue perfusion increased much more slowly, not peaking until day 21 post-ligation.39) This study demonstrated the power of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical targeted contrast ultrasound to evaluate separate factors which contribute to angiogenesis both functionally and temporally. Therapeutic applications of contrast ultrasound Gene therapy is limited by lack of a safe and effective method for gene delivery. Viral vectors have potential for immunogenic and cytotoxic effects. Plasmid delivery is safe, but have low Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical transfection rates even with direct injection. Microbubbles can potentially be used for therapeutic purposes, by enhancing the delivery of genes or drugs to specific targets. Microbubble destruction Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical appears to be an important aspect of this method, especially when the microbubbles are destroyed in close proximity to the endothelial cell surface such as when the microbubbles attached to endothelial cells, or lodged in small arterioles.40) The mechanism by which microbubbles enhance gene/drug
uptake is not entirely clear, but it is possible that temporary cellular membrane poration can be produced by shell fragmentation, which could enhance the uptake of DNA into perivascular cells.40-42) Shell implantation could also be enhanced through the generation of high-velocity pressure jets, heat or free radicals which are produced in the vicinity of the endothelial surface by microbubble Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical destruction. Microbubbles bearing viral vectors, plasmid DNA and antisense oligonucleotides have been used to enhance delivery to tissues. Fig. 5 shows extravascular deposits of plasmid containing luciferase cDNA which was charge-coupled to the surface of cationic microbubbles under fluorescent microscopy.40) The fluorescent DNA can be
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical seen in the perivascular MRIP muscle adjacent to microvessels. These experiments demonstrated that no DNA deposition occurred in the absence of ultrasound. Furthermore, there was significantly greater DNA deposition following intra-arterial administration of microbubbles compared to intravenous, because the microbubbles with the former would not be subjected to pulmonary filtering and would become lodged within very small arterioles and capillaries. Despite the fact that microbubbles were being destroyed in close proximity to the endothelial surface, the vast majority of deposition events (85-90%) occurred without visible vascular ruptures or hemorrhage.40) The most efficient deposition occurred with intra-arterial injection, and with high power ultrasound exposure.