Methods: The recipient age was 60.0 ± 8.9 years (mean ± SD); 15 were males and 10 were females. The donor age was 57.9 ± 8.48 years (mean ± SD); 14 were males and 11 were females. The commonest primary diseases in recipient were the diabetes (36.0%), as well as the chronic glomerulonephritis (28.0%), and ADPKD (Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease) (12.0%). The duration of dialysis pre-transplantation was 382.6 ± 233.2 days (mean ± SD). Results: We physicians specializing in kidney transplants formed an alliance with local facilities a few years back to create specialized outpatient facilities, the number of transplant patients has gradually increased. Delayed graft function was observed in only one patient, biopsy-proven acute rejection in 8 cases,
and chronic allograft nephropathy in 2 cases. In these cases, the local doctors perform the treatment in their facilities with our guidance. It has been generally successful. With the mean follow-up period of 1208 ± 1809 days. There were no patients has had extinction of graft loss, with mean SCr (serum Cr level) of 1.35 ± 0.85 mg/dl. Conclusion: To coordinate medical care with their primary care physician, we physicians specializing in kidney transplants no longer need to force to Kinase Inhibitor Library cell line travel a long distance to receive a follow-up outpatient.Nowadays, likelihood of kidney transplantation has been much higher among these islands. The number of transplant patients has gradually increased. RUNGTA ROHIT, RAY DEEPAK SHANKAR, DAS PRATIK Rtiics, Kolkata Introduction: Infection affects all kidney transplant recipients, in one form or another. Over 50 percent of transplant patients have at least one infection in the first year following transplantation. And for those Sodium butyrate individuals lucky enough to make it through the
first year without an infectious complication, they will be indirectly affected too as they must take prophylactic medications. The high rates of mortality and graft loss owing to infections render early diagnosis and treatment imperative in immunosuppressed patients. We present here an unusual case, one year post transplant who had three different infections, all at the same time and who finally succumbed to it. Methods: Our patient a renal allograft recipient one year post transplant was suffereing from aspergillosis, pneumocystitis jiroveci pneumonia and systemic cmv infections at the same time which made the diagnosis difficult and more so to start appropriate treatment at the right time. Results: His CMV titre was very high (4000 copies/ml), biopsy of warty lesion (fig 1,2,3) on toe revealed aspergillosis and BAL with methamine silver showed pneumocystitis all at the same time. Conclusion: The key to effective treatment of infection is invoking strategies for the prevention and early identification of new infections.