luteffusa has not been seen in any of these species H luteffusa

H. luteffusa differs from H. citrina also by smaller ascospores, warmer yellow colour, growth on wood, smaller phialides and smaller and green conidia. KPT-8602 H. auranteffusa, H. margaretensis and H. rodmanii differ from H. luteffusa also in brighter stroma colour, larger ascospores, and smaller

conidia. The conidiation is morphologically similar to H. pachypallida, but the conidia of the latter species do not turn green on SNA or CMD. Hypocrea minutispora B.S. Lu, Fallah & Samuels, Mycologia 96: 335 (2004) Fig. 41 Fig. 41 Teleomorph of Hypocrea minutispora. a–h. Fresh stromata (a–e. immature. d. with whitish scurf. f–h. mature, with white spore deposits). i–o. Dry stromata (i, j, l. immature. i. with white scurf. j. with white margin. k. mature and immature (rosy) stromata. m–o. mature). p. Stroma in 3% KOH after rehydration. q. Stroma surface

in face view. r. Perithecium in section. s. Cortical and subcortical tissue in section. t. Subperithecial tissue in section. u. Stroma base, with brown inclusions. v–y. Asci with ascospores (y. in cotton blue/lactic acid). a. WU 29258. b, d. WU 29246. c. WU 29248. e. WU 29267. f, m, n, y. WU 29277. g. WU 29273. h. WU 29241. i. WU 29242. j, k. WU 29244. l. WU 29253. o, w. WU 29250. p–u. WU 29270. v. WU 29238. x. WU 29264. Scale bars: a, d = 2 mm. b, e = 1.5 mm. c, f, h, j–l = 1 mm. g, i, m, n, p = 0.5 mm. o = 0.3 mm. q = 5 μm. r, t = 25 μm. s, v–y = 10 μm. u = 20 selleck products μm Anamorph: Trichoderma minutisporum Bissett, Can. J. Bot. 69: 2396 (1991b). Fig. 42 Fig. 42 Cultures and anamorph of Hypocrea minutispora. a–c. Cultures at 25°C after 7 days (a. on CMD; b. on PDA; c. on SNA). d. Conidiation mat on the natural substrate. e. Conidiation pustules on growth plate (SNA, 11 days).

f–h. Conidiophores Adenosine on growth plate (f. effuse; g, h. from shrub or tuft margin; CMD, 4–9 days). i–l. Conidiophores (i. effuse; j–l. pustulate; k. with variable phialides; i, l. CMD; j, k. SNA; 5 days). m. Ampulliform phialides (SNA, 5 days). n, o. Conidia (5 days; n. CMD, o. SNA). e–o. All at 25°C. a–c, e, f, h, i, l, n. CBS 121276, d. C.P.K. 979, g. C.P.K. 986, j, k, m, o. C.P.K. 2869. Scale bars: a–c = 15 mm. d = 1 mm. e = 0.3 mm. f, h, j = 20 μm. g = 30 μm. i, k, l = 15 μm. m = 10 μm. n, o = 5 μm Stromata when fresh 1–7(–11) mm diam, 0.5–2.5(–3) mm thick, pulvinate or semiglobose, sometimes turbinate or discoid, broadly attached, sometimes with white base mycelium. Margin or edges adnate or free, often lobed or undulate, smooth, sterile, lighter than stroma surface or white when young, typically rounded and concealing sides, less commonly sharp with visible sides. Sides sterile, white, smooth. Surface smooth or Selleck SHP099 slightly wrinkled, finely tubercular due to convex ostioles, sometimes with white or silvery covering layer; rarely perithecia slightly protuberant when old.

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