05. It Vorinostat Sigma revealed that only EMD/BC with membrane showed a statistically significant difference versus the membrane-only and control groups. There were no statistically significant differences between the other experimental groups regarding the intensity of staining for OPN.Figure 4Immunohistochemical views of OPN stain intensity. ((a), magnification ��100) EMD/BC with membrane; ((b), ��400) EMD/BC without membrane; ((c); ��400) GBR group; ((d), ��400) control group. LB: lamellar bone, WB: woven bone, …Table 2OPN staining intensity in each experimental group.4. DiscussionIn the present study, in the defects treated with EMD/BC (with or without membrane), the mean percentage of new bone formation was greater than that seen the control and membrane-only groups during each interval.
Also, the quality of the newly formed bone was improved, as evidenced by the higher percentage of lamellar bone formed in the EMD/BC groups. This improvement in bone formation might have resulted from the combined effects of EMD and BC. Emdogain is a commercially available mixture of EMDs. The composition of EMDs has been described as a hydrophobic enamel matrix protein complex derived from 6-month-old porcine tooth buds containing more than 90% amelogenin as well as enamelin, tuftelin, tuft proteins, ameloblastin [40], and other peptides such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-��) [41, 42]. It has been known that amelogenins are self-assembled into supermolecular aggregates, which are generated in insoluble extracellular matrix [43] with high affinity for collagens and HA [44, 45].
In vitro studies have demonstrated that EMDs stimulate bone cell proliferation and differentiation [5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30, 46], affecting bone formation. Takayama et al. reported that BMP-like molecules (BMP-2, BMP-4, and BMP-7) Cilengitide in EMDs encourage the promotion of osteogenic differentiation [14]. Another study reported that the presence of EMDs can inhibit myoblastic development of cultured pluripotential mesenchymal cells and increase alkaline phosphatase activity [13]. Goda et al. reported that the BMP-2 and TGF-�� in Emdogain can activate osteoblasts and enhance the production of collagenase (i.e., matrix metalloproteinase-1), which degrades matrix proteins in bone tissue microenvironments, resulting in the facilitation of bone regeneration [47, 48].On the other hand, the HA/TCP carrier acts as a scaffold [36, 49]. This scaffold can play an important role in facilitating the attachment of stimulated cells, as well as promoting these cells to produce new bone [36].