34��C higher than that under cement pavement. The ground temperature of the embankment centre at the depth of 2.0m�C8.0m under the asphalt pavement is 0.06�C0.29��C higher than that of cement pavement. But the temperature selleck chem inhibitor difference began to become less and less beyond 8m under the ground surface. This result manifests that for the embankment with a width of 8.5m, 8m is the maximum depth of the pavement inflecting on embankment. Otherwise, the ground temperature under the embankment is influenced little on beyond 8m.Table 3The average temperatures of 03�C06 years under asphalt pavement and cement pavement.Both the most high ground temperate and the lowest ground temperature at the depth of 2.0m under the pavement in Table 4 are from the section K374+975 and the section K375+300 in the national highway 214 for the natural ground, cement pavement, and asphalt pavement, respectively.
But the curve of the surface temperature amplitude under different pavements in Figure 2 is not based on Table 4.Figure 2The curve of the surface temperature amplitude under different pavements.Table 4The temperature of linear regression in surface of natural ground, asphalt pavement, and cement pavement.3. Finite Element Analysis Model3.1. Mathematical ModelThe freezing and thawing cycle of permafrost embankments is the process of heat and mass transfer accompanying heat flow and redistribution so the mechanism of the internal water and heat function of the embankment in the permafrost regions may be considered to be a heat transfer considering moisture migration accompanying phase changes.
The freeze-thaw cycle in permafrost embankment is accompanied by the redistribution of temperature field and moisture migration. The mechanism of water and thermal in the permafrost embankment can be attributed to the thermal conduction problems accompanying phase changes. The following hypotheses are presented for the selected mathematical model considering the phase changes of freeze-thaw which influences the temperature field and seepage field of the permafrost embankment.Layers soil of each embankment section is homogeneous.No external load acts on soil layer during freezing and thawing.
Because thermal conduction term is far greater than convection term in the freeze-thaw process of frozen soil, the effect of the convection, mass transfer, the latent heat of vaporization, and chemical potential; are negligible in calculating Brefeldin_A analysis compared to the heat diffusion and the heat diffusion equation only considers soil skeleton and thermal conductivity of water, so the ice-water phase change may be written as follows??x(kx?T?x)+??y(ky?T?y)=C��?T?t?L��i?Wi?t,(1)where T is transient temperature and t is time. kx and ky are components of soil equivalent thermal conductivity.