In contrast, genes encoding the permeases of the PEP-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) are not upregulated. In fact, there is downregulation of glycolysis genes and upregulation of gluconeogenesis. Glycerol may be a major carbon source for carbon metabolism in intracellular bacteria. Glucose-6P may serve as an additional carbon source whereas glucose is probably not a major Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical substrate for intracellular Listeria. Important for intracellular survival and virulence is the ATP-dependent pyruvate carboxylase
(PycA). Furthermore, only some amino acids are synthesized de novo (Ala > Asp > Glu > Ser > Thr > Val > Gly) [28]. Cofactors such as riboflavin, thiamine, biotin and lipoate are directly imported from the host cell. For comparison, in Shigella flexneri, glucose
uptake is downregulated and glycerol utilized in cytosolic growth within macrophages. Gluconeogenesis (fbp and pps) is upregulated. Under these conditions, Shigellae synthesize aromatic amino acids, GMP and thymidine, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and the corresponding enzyme complexes. In contrast, pathogenic E. coli strains (EIEC) utilize glucose for survival inside the host cell [1]. However, similar to the Shigaellae, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical EIEC are also more anabolically active in their intracytoplasmatic lifestyle than Listeria, as EIEC synthesize their own amino acids. Intracellular Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium use glucose, glucose-6P and gluconate (glycolysis Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and Entner-Doudoroff pathway are upregulated, TCA is downregulated). In the Salmonella containing vacuole, glucose is preferred over glucose-6P as carbon substrate. In systemically infected mice, bacterial growth depends on a complete TCA cycle [29] and the glyoxylate shunt Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is less important. Ser, Gly, Ala, Val, Asp and Glu are de novo synthesized efficiently. Finally, M. tuberculosis
grown in resting and activated bone-marrow-derived macrophages show substantial upregulation of the type II citrate almost synthase gene (gltA), the isocitrate lyase gene (aceA1), the PEP carboxykinase gene (pckA) and the malate dehydrogenase gene (mez) implying corresponding protein partner complexes. There is good evidence that fatty acids, and possibly glycerol or glycerol-3P, are the preferred carbon sources (β-oxidation is important for virulence), as there is not much amino acid synthesis, and glucose utilization may be confined to early Selleckchem Gemcitabine states of infection [1]. 2.2.2. Regulatory Strategies and Prokaryotic Protein Complexes Environmental perturbations, nutrient change or shortage, stress responses and density of individuals all have impact on metabolism. Furthermore, several levels of regulation (transcription, translation, protein stability, enzyme regulation) ensure that the response is optimal.