The patient underwent an urgent attempt for closed reduction of both shoulder and humeral shaft under general anesthesia. The attempts included traction–counter traction method by grasping the proximal fragment and traction against the counter
traction through a rolled sheet in the axilla of the patient (figure 2). The successful closed reduction, achieved at Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical first attempt, was followed by coaptation plaster splint for four weeks followed by Sarmiento splint for an additional four weeks (figure 3). Figure 1: Anteroposterior radiograph showing an anterior dislocation of the right glenohumeral joint with ipsilateral fracture of humerus. Figure 2: Anteroposterior radiograph after closed reduction of both shoulder and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical humeral shaft under general anesthesia. Figure 3: Radiograph taken 15 years after closed reduction of both shoulder and humeral shaft. The neurologic exam for axillary and radial nerve was normal before and after the procedure. Discussion Despite the somehow common occurrence of the shoulder dislocation and humeral shaft fracture, simultaneous occurrence of them is rare such that Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical all the reports in the literature are restricted to case reports by various authors. In 1977 Chen et al.3 reported two cases of this injury, and their attempt at reviewing the literature only revealed only
14 case reports. They first fixed the humeral fracture with a plate, and then closed the reduction of shoulder dislocation in both cases. Calderone et al. 3 also reported one case treated by humeral shaft internal fixation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with plating and closing the reduction of shoulder dislocation. Review of various cases presented in the literature shows that the main problem for surgeons has been the lack of adequate lever arm to do the closed reduction of the joint. This forces surgeons to first fix the shaft by a plate or external fixator, and then to attempt closed reduction of the shoulder
joint.4-7 There is, however, a report, similar to our experience, of successful closed treatment of both problems.8 The other problem with this rare combination Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is the possibility that shoulder dislocation is missed, especially if it is posterior, and the x–ray is of poor quality and does not clearly show the shoulder joint position.8,9 Conclusion The present case indicates that closed reduction Sitaxentan of both injuries under general anesthesia was accopanied by good clinical results 15 years later. Conflict of interest: Non GSK1120212 cost declared.
Dear Editor, I read the paper “mass measles vaccination campaign in Aila Cyclone-affected areas of West Bengal, India” by Malik and colleagues published in the December, 2011 issue of IJMS. The paper described a program of mass measles vaccination that was a good experience for health authorities.1 However, some issues should be considered in health policies for the prevention of measles.