caryophyllus L. Vandetanib ZD6474 that belong to the Caryophyllaceae family. The dried bulbs resemble a round-headed nail, are dark reddish-brown in color, have a strong aromatic odor and a hot pungent taste. Cloves are now cultivated in many parts of the tropics, particularly Tanzania, Madagascar, Malaysia, India, Srilanka, Jamaica, and French Guiana [23]. Oil of cloves has some antiseptic qualities and is recommended by some dentists as a flavoring aid. Milind and Deepa [24] revealed that clove seeds contains 5.98% protein, 20% total fat, 61.21% carbohydrates, 34.2 fibers, and 5.88% ash. However, it contains also high levels of potassium (1102mg/100g) and magnesium (268mg/100g). Milind and Deepa [24] also found total saturated fatty acids (5.38%), total monounsaturated fatty acids (1.47%), and total polyunsaturated acids (7.
09%).Although numerous studies on the effects of cultural practices on spices were conducted, changes in their chemical compositions are still far from being finalized specially in Saudi Arabia. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition, mineral content, and fatty acid profiles of some locally produced spicesand herbs obtained from markets in Saudi Arabia.2. Material and Methods2.1. MaterialsFenugreek, cress, mustard, black cumin, black pepper, and clove were grown in Saudi Arabia. 2.2. Chemical CompositionMoisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, and ash were determined according to the AOAC [25] in 2g, 2g, 5g, 2g, and 5g sample of each spice.
Potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese, copper, and iron were extracted with acids from 5g samples according to McGrath and Cubliffe [26] and their concentrations were detected using a PE model 2380 atomic absorption spectrophotometer.2.3. Fatty Acids AnalysisOil samples extracted from 5g seed samples were methylated with 14% boron trifluoride (BF3, BDH-Company) in methanol [27]. Analysis of the fatty acids was carried out with a GLC-Varian 6000 gas chromatograph with Flame Ionization Detector (FID), 2m length, 0.32cm internal diameter stainless steel column, packed with 15% OV-275, chrome P/AW/80-100 mesh stationary phase which operated at 180��C, injection Anacetrapib temperature 230��C, detector temperature 250��C with carrier-gas (Helium) at a flow rate of 25mL/min, hydrogen flow 30mL/min, and air flow 300mL/min. Identification of the fatty acid methyl esters was carried out by comparison of their retention times with that of the standards (Polyscience Corporation, Kit number 61 CX) and the quantities were calculated from the area obtained by the LKB 2200 recorded integrator.3. Statistical AnalysesThe factorial experiment in the completely randomized design was done with three replicates.