- Count taken of gauze, scalpels, surgical needles and other surgical instruments used. The scrub-room or operating theatre nurse is to make and confirm the count by speaking out loud. The surgical team is to be notified promptly else should there be discrepancies in the final count in order they may take the appropriate action. – Labelling of the surgical specimen (including name and description of patient). The operating room or theatre nurse is to confirm correct labelling of the surgical specimen by reading aloud both the name and description of the patient concerned. – Problems or failures in the use of devices: The coordinator is to ensure that no problems have arisen in the operation of all surgical devices. If so, such problem are to be promptly identified and reported so as to avoid further use or re-use of the said device before the problem has been resolved.
– Revision of critical elements for post-operative care: The coordinator is to confirm that the surgeon, anesthetist and nurses have reviewed all important issues and critical elements necessary to the correct handling of the post-operative patient while also focusing on any intra-operative or anesthetic problems that may adversely affect the course of post-operative recovery. – Postoperative thrombosis-embolism prophylaxis The coordinator is to ask the surgeon whether the plan for post-operative thrombosis-embolism prophylaxis has been prepared as per health organization procedure, early mobilization, compression devices, drugs.
The completed check-list may be placed in the patient��s medical records and/or filed for an assessment of the quality of surgical intervention carried out. Adaptation of the check-list for your organization Even on the basis of positive results presented in international medical papers, it has been recommended to the NHS to ensure implementation of the check-list in all operating rooms for health reasons, adapting to list to the particular characteristics of each health structure. Indeed, the check-list is not exhaustive but it is expandable with amendments and supplements based on specific local needs were foreseen. The removal of check-list items or points is recommended where these be motivated by circumstances that hinder implementation of the check-list – such as for example incompatibility within the work context (e.g.
the team does not fully appreciate or understand its usefulness). If special local needs or specific procedures make additional controls appropriate, additional items or points may be included while taking care at the same time that management and viability of the controls has not been made too complex (29). Conclusion ��We envision a Health Care system in which those who provide health care can derive satisfaction Entinostat from their work while those who receive health care, feel secure and have full confidence in the assistance they receive��. This thought of Donald M.