Cutaneous rash may potentially be linked to the action of mas itinib on MCs, inducing MC apoptosis with a subsequent release of various mediators that are responsible for rash. This apop tosis seems to happen only once. The time necessary Ceritinib supplier for the released mediators to reach the reaction site and accumulate to a certain concentration in the skin might explain why such events typically manifest themselves between the second and third weeks of treatment. Diarrhoea may also be linked to the pharmacological activity of masitinib on MCs in the intestine or through direct action on Cajals cells of the intestine, which also express the c KIT receptor. Oedema, mainly palpebral and face oedema, is thought to be linked to the activity of mas itinib on PDGFR, a TK receptor involved in the vasculatory pressure of tissues, especially in the periorbital region sensible to low pressure.
Overall, the safety profile of masitinib for long term treatment would appear favourable, especially when considering con cerns of cardiotoxicity and genotoxicity. For example, imatinib mesylate is cardiotoxic due to its strong inhibition of the Abelson kinase, making its long term use questionable Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries for treat ment of active RA. Masitinib, in contrast, is a weak Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries inhibitor of BCR ABL, implying that masitinib may exhibit a better safety profile than other TK inhib itors, particularly on cardiac functions. Preclinical studies have also shown that masitinib is not genotoxic. The performance of masitinib, with respect to the primary end point ACR scores, compares favourably to other biological DMARDs, including rituximab, abatacept and adalimumab.
Moreover, due to a lack of dosage increase in the event of insufficient response without Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries toxicity, some patients may not have benefited from an optimal masitinib dose with a consequent reduction in efficacy results. Observed clinical improvement was supported by laboratory evidence of reduced inflammation in the form of a significant and sustainable decrease in CRP level for approximately half the study population. This result is important since, in the absence of a control group, it serves as proof that the observed improvements are attributable Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries to the treatment. The results Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries from other secondary endpoints provide additional evidence of efficacy, with consistent pat terns to the primary endpoint regarding sustainability and inde pendence from previous treatment failure. Dose response analyses tentatively indicate that a dose level of 6 mg kg per day is the most potent, although inequality of baseline clinical parameters between dose groups may be a confounding influence. Hence, no definite conclusion on the optimal initial dosing level can be reached. In regard to tolera bility, the majority of severe AEs were associated with doses of at least 7. 5 mg kg per day.