Genes found to be up regulated in flower buds during the dormancy

Genes found to be up regulated in flower buds during the dormancy transi tion, after the respective statistical analyses learn more of SSH and microarray hybridization approaches are operationally termed in this work flower bud late genes. Most of these flower bud late genes are described by transcript models predicted by the International Peach Genome Initiative, but nine lack a transcript profile, and consequently are designated by the unigene or EST name described in previous articles. Three genes coding for putative peroxidases and LTP pro teins were described by more than 40 ESTs each, which suggests a pronounced up regulation of them under our experimental conditions. Flower bud late genes are expected to play a role in dormancy release, growth resumption or late flowering events.

Whereas DORMANCY ASSOCIATED MADS box and other genes found repressed in dormancy released buds have been unequivocally related to dormancy processes, no experimental evidences have been obtained pointing to a role of flower bud late genes described in this work in dor mancy processes. In order to identify putative orthologs of these genes in Arabidopsis we made a reciprocal blast analysis as described in Methods. Interestingly, 13 genes were putative orthologs of Arabidopsis genes involved in sporopollenin synthesis and transcriptional regulation of tapetum and pollen development. In addition, ppa009789m was very similar to RUPTURED POLLEN GRAIN1, a component of the MtN3 saliva gene family coding for a plasma membrane protein essential for microspore viability and exine pattern formation in Arabidopsis, even though they could not be considered as puta tive orthologs by RBA.

These data strongly suggest that flower bud late genes identified by two transcriptomic approaches in peach are to a large extent involved in sporopollenin synthesis and deposition, indicating the activation of this metabolic pathway during or shortly after dormancy release. Such predominance of pollen cell wall related genes over other bud processes, as dormancy release, abiotic stress resistance and female gametophyte development, could be due to the major contribution of anthers to the total weight of the bud, or alternatively could be caused by an experimental bias of the SSH procedure towards transcripts with higher expression differences. Flower bud late genes show cultivar dependent expression The expression of ESTs from the 50 flower bud late genes listed in Table 1 was extracted from microarray Batimastat hybridization data stored in ArrayExpress database with accession number E MEXP 3201.

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