In all cases all habitats on the same device were inoculated from a single set of initial cultures. The kymographs of all p38 inhibitors clinical trials successfully invaded habitats are shown in Additional file 3. Type-3
devices (2 devices, 3 sets of coupled habitats): The two sets of diffusionally coupled habitats on the same device were prepared identically by inoculating the upper habitat from the left and the lower habitat from the right from the same initial culture of strain JEK1036 (Figure 5A). The kymographs of all successfully invaded habitats are shown in Figure 5 and Additional file 8. Type-4 device (1 device, 2 habitats):
The two habitats were inoculated from the same cultures set, but in reverse orientation (i.e. red from the left in habitat 1 and from the right in habitat 2, Additional file 10B). The kymographs of all successfully invaded habitats are shown in Additional file 10. Type-5 devices (8 devices, 14 habitats): Each device was inoculated from two independent LY3039478 purchase overnight cultures which were started from the same −80°C aliquot and grow next to each other in the incubator. Each culture set was inoculated in two habitats, in such a way that neighboring habitats contained different culture sets (i.e. culture set 1 in habitats 1 & 3 and culture set 2 in habitats 2 & 4, Additional file 11). The kymographs of all successfully invaded habitats are shown in Additional file 12. Control experiments: (i) non-chemotactic strain (3 type-1 devices), see Additional file 4A and the accompanying data set [56]; (ii) red-green co-culture (1 Idoxuridine type-1 and 1-type 2 device), see Figure 4G and Additional file 7; (iii) same initial culture from both sides (1 type-1 device using JEK1036,
see Additional file 4B-D; 2 type-5 devices where habitats 1&2 were inoculated on both sides with JEK1036 and habitats 4&5 with JEK1037, see accompanying data set [56]). Estimating population densities by calculating patch occupancy We monitored the bacterial metapopulations using their fluorescence emission. However, the fluorescence intensity per cell is different for the two fluorescent proteins and changes with growth phase, making it an imprecise measure of population density. Instead, we estimated population densities by measuring the area fraction of the patches occupied by bacteria, i.e. the occupancy. A pixel in each color channel of an image is considered to be occupied by bacteria if its intensity is above a dynamically calculated threshold.