Our collections of L menziesii are the first reported from the N

Our collections of L. menziesii are the first reported from the Neotropics and their morphological features match those of Polyporus menziesii as described by Ryvarden and Johansen (1980) and our personal observations

(isotype – K). The third species here VS-4718 mentioned as ‘Leiotrametes sp.’ from French Guiana does not match any species known to us nor described in the literature. Nevertheless hymenial surface of this species could evoke the temperate Daedalea quercina RepSox supplier (L.: Fr.) Fr., a phylogenetically unrelated species producing a brown rot (also showing other morphological discrepancies). Since Daedalea quercina was mentioned by Patouillard (in Duss 1903) after a collection by Duss in Guadeloupe and taking into account its unlikely occurrence in the Carribean (see Courtecuisse and Welti 2011) it is possible that Duss’s material represents this still undescribed Leiotrametes sp. The main characteristic separating Leiotrametes from Trametes and Pycnoporus is the glabrous upper surface, the lack of black line under the pileipellis and of parietal crystals (red in Pycnoporus, colorless in T. cingulata and blue in T. versicolor). Another interesting character is the brown resinous substance filling

the lumen of the skeletal hyphae in the pileipellis, particularly those concentrated in the narrow grayish concentric zones (Fig. 4e). They were also found in KU-57788 concentration some species of Trametes: T. gibbosa and T. villosa. A comparable resinous content also appears in T. cingulata and T. ljubarskyi

but differs by its conspicuous accumulation in uppermost level inducing Gemcitabine cost cellular walls rupture (Fig. 4g) and so generating a glossy and brown, surface. ‘Lenzites’ warnieri, of still unsolved phylogenetic position, also showed similar resinous hyphae; nevertheless, they appear less abundant in the upper surface level and did not show resinous accumulation at the surface (Fig. 4e). ‘Trametes’ cingulata and ‘Trametes’ ljubarskyi The position of Trametes cingulata and T. ljubarskyi has already been shown to be ambiguous according to our study. However the Bayesian analyses on ITS + RPB2 (Fig. 1) and to a lesser degree on 28S rLSU, suggest a sister-clade relationship between both species and Pycnoporus. As a support to this hypothesis we detected crystals darkening in 5% KOH under the upper surface of T. cingulata. Furthermore, the orange-brown, dry basidiomes of this species, as well as its tendancy to turn blackish with 5% KOH 5%, at a lower degree the characteristic of Pycnoporus species (red basidiomes and KOH reaction). So far a close relationship between Trametes ljubarskyi and T.

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