Results are expressed as in Fig. this website 1B. An example of the ICC analysis for peptide p1L and rPPE44 of PBMC obtained from a PPD+ donor is given in Figure 5B-C. As can be seen, no reactivity was detected either against p1L, or against rPPE44 in the CD4- population of cells. Thus, p1L is recognized by all PPD+ healthy
Cell Cycle inhibitor subjects tested by ELISpot and reactivity is accounted for by CD4+ cells. Figure 5 Representative examples of ICC flow cytometry analysis of PBMC in response to p1L and rPPE44. The percentage of IFN-γ+ CD4+ cells is given in the upper right corner of each panel. Panel A, PBMC from a PPD- healthy donor in the presence of p1L; panel B and C, PBMC of a PPD+ healthy donor in the presence of p1L and rPPE44, respectively. Discussion The results reported in this paper show that an IFN-γ+ T cell immune response
to PPE44 can be detected by ELISpot in all healthy individuals naturally PPD+ and, to a lower extent, in subjects vaccinated with BCG; CD4+ T lymphocytes account for IFN-γ secretion in PPE44-responder subjects, as shown by ICC analysis. By the same approaches, our study has highlighted the presence of a strong CD4+ T-cell epitope in the NH2-terminus of the PPE44 molecule localized at the aa position 1-20. Conversely, no significant IFN-γ+ CD4+ T cell response to PPE44 or its immunodominant peptide p1L could be detected in most patients (7 out of 8) with newly diagnosed active TB. The PPE44 immunodominat T-cell epitope Farnesyltransferase detected in the present study Luminespib mouse has been previously reported
as the antigenic target of an IL-2-induced IFN-γ+ response in mice in which immunization with PPE44-subunit vaccines conferred protective immunity in an experimental model of TB [10]. The data reported in this paper suggest that IFN-γ+ T-cell responses to PPE44 may be associated to immune protection also in human M. tuberculosis infection: indeed, IFN-γ+ T-cells specific for the immunodominant PPE44 peptide p1L were detectable in all individuals whose immune system is likely to have determined the containment of infection and prevented progression to active TB disease (PPD+ healthy subjects), as well as in a proportion of BCG-vaccinated subjects. On the other hand, most patients with active TB, i.e., those individuals whose immune system failed to contain TB infection, did not respond to PPE44 or p1L. In this respect, however, it has to be considered that TB patients enrolled in our study were under TB chemotherapy, which might have decreased the M. tuberculosis-specific IFN-γ responses [12, 13]; another explanation might be that PPE44-specific T cells are sequestered at the site of mycobacterial replication, usually the lung.