Results: Thirty-six patients in each group underwent 41 PCNLs. The groups were well matched for age, sex, and comorbidity. The supine patients tended to have a higher body mass index. Stones in the supine group were larger (32.6 vs 25.7 mm, P = 0.0402), and the operative time was shorter (86.2 vs 116.6 min, P = 0.003). Radiation time
was similar in the two groups, but the dose was higher in the supine group. Stone clearance rates, length of stay (2.5 days), and complications were similar. Nineteen (46%) patients underwent simultaneous lower urinary tract procedures including 4 (10%) with complete staghorn calculi for which ureterorenoscopy was used to fragment ureteral and upper renal pole stones.
Conclusions: The modified PND-1186 solubility dmso supine position for PCNL has a number of advantages for the patient and staff compared with the prone position. Despite a more obese study group with larger stones, we have maintained stone clearance rates and significantly Acalabrutinib ic50 reduced operative time with no increase in complications. The technique
has been easy to learn and teach. A major advantage has been simultaneous access to the lower urinary tract for ureteroscopy and stent placement, and this has helped with complete stone clearance.”
“Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the antenatal sonographic features of ileal atresia.
Material and Methods: We identified neonates with surgically-confirmed ileal atresia who had antenatal sonography performed in our institution between 1 January 1999 and 30 June 2009. The antenatal sonography images and reports were reviewed.
Results: Sixteen neonates had surgically-confirmed ileal atresia in our institution in 11 years. Seven fetuses find more (43.7%) did not have any intestinal abnormalities detected antenatally on ultrasonography. Nine fetuses (56.3%)
had various sonographic features of ileal atresia, including multiple dilated bowel loops, ascites, cysts, and polyhydramnios with or without associated anomalies. Six of nine fetuses had multiple dilated bowel loops and two fetuses had ascites. One fetus had a large, cystic, mixed, echogenic dilatation of bowel. Polyhydramnios was present in three fetuses. Heart anomalies, kidney anomalies, or hydrops were present in four fetuses. Eight of 16 fetuses (50%) had other intestinal problems, including intussusceptions in one fetus, small bowel malrotation, meconium pseudocyst volvulus, meconium peritonitis, and a congenital band.
Conclusion: The prenatal sonographic features of ileal atresia are not simple. Various sonographic findings are shown and ileal atresia was detected in about 60% of cases.”
“Aims of the study: This study aimed to evaluate if the microcirculation is impaired during and after therapeutic hypothermia (TH) in children with return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest (CA) and to assess if microcirculatory impairment predicts mortality.