The authors thank Florence Fellmann for critical review of the ma

The authors thank Florence Fellmann for critical review of the manuscript. P.-Y. Bochud is supported by the Swiss National Foundation (32003B-127613 and 324730-144054), the Leenaards Foundation, the Santos-Suarez Foundation, and the Loterie Romande. This work is part of the HepaCute network (Collaborative Project) supported by the European Commission under the Health Cooperation Work Program of the seventh Framework Program (Grant agreement no. 260844). The Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study is supported by grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation (3347C0-108782/1), the Swiss Federal Office for Education and Sciences 03.0599), and the European Commission (LSHM-CT-2004-503359; VIRGIL Network of Excellence on Antiviral Drug Resistance). S. Bibert and P.-Y.

Bochud are inventors on a patent application filed by the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois on the basis of these genetic findings but they have no additional financial interests. The other authors have no conflicting financial interests. Members of the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study Group: Francesco Negro (Geneva, Chairman), Antoine Hadengue (Geneva, Chairman of Scientific Committee), Laurent Kaiser, and Laura Rubbia-Brandt (Geneva); Darius Moradpour, Giuseppe Pantaleo, and Patrick Francioli (Lausanne); Martin Rickenbach (Lausanne Data Center); Gladys Martinetti and Andreas Cerny (Lugano); Virginie Masserey Spicher, Meri Gorgievski, and Jean-Fran?ois Dufour (Berne); Hans Hirsch and Markus Heim (Basel); Beat Helbling, Beat M��llhaupt, and Stephan Regenass (Zurich); Raffaele Malinverni (Neuchatel); Christa Meyenberger, Tilman Gerlach, and Guenter Dollenmaier (St Gallen); and Gieri Cathomas (Liestal).

Footnotes Abbreviations used: GWAS genome-wide association studies HCV hepatitis C virus IP-10 IFN-�èCinducible protein 10 ISG IFN-stimulated gene LD linkage Batimastat disequilibrium PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cell SVR sustained virological response
An integrated strategy of surgery, antibiotics, facial cleanliness, and environmental improvement �C the SAFE strategy in short �C is recommended to eliminate blinding trachoma in endemic countries by the year 2020 [1]. The F and E components aim to reduce the transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis via flies, fingers, and fomites within the community [2]. Face washing is promoted specifically to keep faces free of infectious ocular and nasal discharge, and make them less attractive to eye-seeking flies. The construction and use of latrines are promoted as a form of fly control to reduce fly-to-eye contact [2], [3]. Improved accessibility to clean water is also promoted, but whether or not water is used for hygiene is more important than absolute access to clean water in trachoma prevention.

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