The skeletal biology of Marajoarans also is distinctively Amazoni

The skeletal biology of Marajoarans also is distinctively Amazonian, not Andean, as is the associated art (Roosevelt, 1991b). The cultural origin of the Marajo earthworks has

been disputed by natural scientists on the basis of environmental limitation theory, remote sensing, and sediment coring (Rossetti et al., 2009). Their claim is that Marajoara villages must have been placed on natural, not artificial mounds. However, their remote sensing analyses on offsite terrain shed no light on mound contents or stratigraphy, and their only mound investigations were inadequate sampling with a narrow percussion drill, a technique that could not reliably selleck kinase inhibitor distinguish cultural from natural deposits in an artificial mound. Wide-area archeological excavations and trenches cut by looters through sites give clear evidence of superimposed human-built platforms full of cultural structures: floors, fired hearths, black soil middens (see Section ‘Anthropic black soils’), garbage pits, abundant pottery, and cemeteries (Fig. 6) (Bevan

and Roosevelt, 2003, Roosevelt, 1991b and Roosevelt, 2014:1177–1181; Schaan, 2001 and Schaan, 2004). Extensive ground-probing geophysical surveys of the mounds document the same kinds of remains (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8). There is no question that Marajoara mounds are cultural phenomena, and their numbers suggest a much larger population than today. The Marajoara had a mixed subsistence economy: small amounts of hard-seed maize, small

seeds, and gathered and cultivated tree fruits typical of cultural forests: cocosoid palms (Astrocaryum, Acrocomia, Acai, find more Euterpe oleracea), legumes (Inga), fruits (Spondias and Byrsonima), supplemented with large amounts of small fish. Special foods from ceremonial contexts include turtles, very large fish Progesterone (e.g., A. gigas and O. bicirrhosum), and abundant fruits of cultivated Acai palm ( Fig. 9). Despite their sedentary settlement pattern, the mound-dwellers retained access to tall canopied forest for fuel and construction, according to the stable isotope ratios of plant remains. However, open-vegetation plants and crops increase in their food and firewood during the occupation, according to the stable isotopes of human bone and carbonized plants ( Roosevelt, 2000:483–484). Today, the mounds continue to support dense anthropic forest cover, despite surrounding deforestation for cattle pasture. One of the most remarkable prehistoric anthropic effects was the cultural construction of wide areas of fields, transportation ways, and residential mounds in wetlands. Such systems have been studied most in two areas of Amazonia: the Guianas (Fig. 10) (Iriarte et al., 2010, Rostain, 2010, Rostain, 2013 and Versteeg, 2008) and the Bolivian Amazon (Denevan, 1966, Erickson, 1980, Erickson, 2008, Erickson, 2010, Walker, 2004 and Walker, 2012), but new areas keep turning up.

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