The variance analysis was
used for measurement data. All P -values were two-tailed and values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Statistical package for social science software (Version 11.5, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) was used to perform all of the statistical analysis. Results Trichostatin A mw response of NAC In the total of 70 patients, NAC response was as follows: CR in 2 patients, PR in 58 patients, and SD in 10 patients. No PD was found. Accordingly, the good response rate was 85.71%; see more the poor response rate was 14.39%. XRCC1 allele and genotype frequencies The allele frequencies of XRCC1 194Arg(C) and 194Trp(T) were 65.8% and 34.2%, respectively in all patients; the allele frequencies of XRCC1 399Arg (G) and 399Gln (A) were 80.1% and 19.9%, respectively. The distributions of these genotype frequencies were all in agreement with those expected from
the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium model, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test showed X 2 = 0.03 and X 2 = 1.62 respectively. The association between XRCC1 polymorphisms and response to NAC Results are shown in Table 1 for the analysis of NAC response of patients with different genotypes. The NAC good response rate (CR+PR) among patients with locally advanced cervical carcinoma who carry three different homozygous genotypes at codon 194 [Arg/Arg (CC), Arg/Trp (CT), and Trp/Trp(TT)] were 82.35%, 100%, and 66.7% respectively. No statistically significant differences were found among polymorphisms of XRCC1 at codon 194 (X 2 = 1.243, P = 0.07). Table 1 The association between XRCC1 polymorphisms at codons 194 and 399 and NAC response in locally advanced cervical carcinoma XRCC1 genotype N Good response HSP90 [N (%)]
Poor response [N (%)] OR 95%CI Codon 194 Arg/Arg 34 28 (82.35) 6 (17.65) Arg/Trp 24 24 (100) 0 (0) Trp/Trp 12 8 (66.67) 4 (33.33) 2.333 0.52~10.35 Arg/Trp+ Trp/Trp 36 32 (88.89) 4 (11.11) 0.583* 0.14~2.28 Codon 399 Arg/Arg 44 40(90.90) 4 (9.10) Arg/Gln 2 0 (0) 2 (100) Gln/Gln 24 20 (83.33) 4 (16.67) 2.000 0.452 ~8.842 Arg/Gln+ Gln/Gln 26 20 (76.92) 6 (23.08) 3.254** 1.708 ~ 14.951 Good response: CR+PR; Poor response: SD+PD; OR: odds ratio *: Arg/Trp+Trp/Trp vs Arg/Arg; **: Arg/Gln+Gln/Gln vs Arg/Arg XRCC1 gene polymorphisms at codon 399 were found to be significantly associated with NAC response. The NAC response rate (CR+PR) among patients with locally advanced cervical carcinoma carrying three different homozygous genotypes at codon 399 [Arg/Arg (GG), Arg/Gln (GA), and Gln/Gln(AA)] were 90.0%, 0% (0/2), and 83.33%, respectively (X 2 = 2.283, P = 0.02). Logistic regression analysis showed a significantly increased rate of failure of NAC in patients with at least one Gln allele [Arg/Gln(GA)+Gln/Gln(AA)] versus the Arg/Arg (GG) genotype (odds ratio 3.254; 95% CI 1.708–14.951; P = 0.002).