These sudden increases in absorption are called absorption edges, and correspond to the energy required to eject a core electron into the LUMO or to the continuum thus producing a photoelectron. The absorption discontinuity is known as the K-edge, when the photoelectron originates from a 1s core check details level, and an L-edge when the ionization is from
a 2s or 2p electron. Figure 1 shows a typical energy level diagram. L-edge spectroscopy is, in general, more sensitive to the electronic, structural, and the spin state changes of the metal cluster selleck products compared to the K-edge spectroscopy, however, there are experimental difficulties in applying this technique to biological samples. We will focus on K-edge spectroscopy in the current review. Fig. 1 The energy level diagram for L-edge (LI,
LII, and LIII) transitions (2s and 2p to 3d) and K-edge transitions (1s to 3d and 4p) for Mn(II). The energy levels are not drawn to scale. For example, the K-edge is at 6,539 eV and the L edges are at 769, 650, and 639 eV, respectively XANES X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra provide detailed information about the oxidation state and coordination environment of the metal atoms (Fig. 2). The K-edge absorption edge energy increases with increasing oxidation state. In general, the rising edge position shifts when the effective number of positive charges (in a simplified view, oxidation state) changes resulting from 1s core hole shielding effects (Shulman et al. 1976). In an atom with one electron, for example,
the electron experiences the full charge of the positive nucleus. However, PI-1840 in an LY3023414 research buy atom with many electrons, the outer electrons are simultaneously attracted to the positive nucleus and repelled by the negatively charged electrons. The higher the oxidation state of the metal, the more positive the overall charge of the atom, and therefore more energy is required to excite an electron from an orbital. Conversely, the XANES spectrum shifts to a lower energy when there is more negative charge on the metal. Fig. 2 a The Mn K-edge XANES and EXAFS spectra. Top left: the X-ray absorption spectrum from a PS II sample showing the XANES and EXAFS regions of the spectrum. The energy levels are indicated on top of the panel. The enlargements show the Mn K-edge XANES and the k-space EXAFS spectrum. The Fourier transform of the k-space EXAFS data is shown on the right. b A schematic of the outgoing and backscattered photoelectron wave, which illustrates the concept of interference in EXAFS. Left: E 1 is the energy of the incident X-ray photon. The central atom (blue) is the absorbing atom and the photoelectron is backscattered from the surrounding atoms (red). The backscattered wave from the surrounding atoms (dashed blue circular lines) is in phase with the outgoing wave (solid blue circular lines).