We continue expanding this method, never cutting search threads once the binarization threshold has been reached. The method essentially resembles a breadth or depth first search routine over n branches to a maximum depth of M. This routine has time complexity of O, and will select the minimal terms in the Boolean equation. The D term results from the cost of a single inference. The time complexity of this method is significantly lower than generation of the complete TIM and optimizing the resulting TIM to a minimal Boolean equation. For the minimal Boolean equation generation algorithm shown in algorithm 2, let the function binary return the binary equivalent of x given the number of targets in T, and let sensitivity return the sensitivity of the inhibition combination x for the target set T.
With the minimal Boolean equation created using Algorithm 2, the terms can be appropriately grouped to generate an equivalent and more appealing mini mal equation. To convey the minimal Boolean equation to clinicians and researchers unfamiliar with Boolean equations, we utilize a convenient circuit representation, as in Figures 2 and 3. These circuits were generated from two canine subjects with osteosarcoma, as discussed in the results section. The circuit diagrams are organized by grouped terms, which we denote as blocks. Blocks in the TIM circuit act as possible treatment combinations. The blocks are orga nized in a linear OR structure, treatment of any one block should result in high sensitivity. As such, inhibition of each target results in its line being broken.
When there are no available paths between the beginning and end of the circuit, the treatment is considered effective. As such, each block is essentially a modified AND OR structure. Within the blocks, parallel lines denote an AND relation ship, and adjacent lines represent an OR relationship. The goal of an effective treatment then, from the perspective of the network circuit diagram, is to prevent the tumor from having a pathway by which it can continue to grow. Discussion In this section, we discuss extensions of the TIM frame work presented earlier. We provide foundational work for incorporating sensitivity prediction via continuous valued analysis of EC50 values of new drugs as well as theoretical work concerning dynamical models generated from the steady state TIMs developed previously. Incorporating continuous target inhibition values The analysis considered in the earlier sections was based on discretized target inhibition i. e. each drug was denoted by a binary vector representing the targets inhibited by the drug. The framework can predict the sensitivities of new drugs with high accuracy as illustrated Entinostat by the results on canine osteosarcoma tumor cultures.