Whilst the exact chemicals responsible for the symptoms are yet to be clearly defined, the diarrhoea is probably secondary to excessive circulating levels of serotonin whereas bronchospasm is due to both serotonin and bradykinin. Prolonged high serum levels of serotonin is responsible for carcinoid heart PS-341 disease (40) but valves
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the left side of the heart are less affected because of the metabolism of serotonin within the lungs. Measurement of elevated levels of urinary 5-HIAA have been shown to be of value in predicting carcinoid syndrome (41). Somatostatin analogues are effective in controlling the symptoms and improve the quality of life in patients with carcinoid syndrome. They can be administered pre-operatively and continued for about 48 hours in the post-operative period to prevent a carcinoid crisis (37). Diagnosis Biochemical tests Carcinoid tumour cells originate from neuroendocrine cells and are capable of synthesis, storage and release of serotonin, histamine, prostaglandin, kallikrenin, bradykinin,
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical substance Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical P, gastrin, corticotrophin and neuron specific enolase. The most abundant of these is serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) which after metabolising is converted to 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA), Determination of raised 5-HIAA levels in 24-hr urine samples is routinely used for diagnosis of carcinoids but it is neither specific nor sensitive as it may not be elevated in some carcinoids whereas it can be elevated in conditions like tropical sprue, coeliac disease, Whipple’s disease and small bowel obstruction (5). Serum chromogranin A levels have been shown to reflect tumour load and provide evidence of persistent or recurrent carcinoid
disease and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is a useful parameter to monitor disease spread and recurrence (42). Presence of carcinoembryonic antigen is a poor prognostic indicator and these tumours are often classified as adenocarcinoids and treated as adenocarcinomas rather than carcinoids (43,44). Radiology Plain abdominal films Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical may show features consistent with obstruction (dilated bowel loops with thickened walls). CT rarely demonstrate the primary lesion but the delineation of a circumscribed mesenteric mass with associated radiating mesenteric stranding is considered to be pathognomonic of a GICT [as illustrated in one of our patients (Figures 2a and and2b)].2b)]. below CT is also used to identify liver metastases but as these lesions are hypervascular (vide supra), a porto-venous phase scan is considered to be more sensitive in diagnosing smaller lesions (35,36). GICT cells are rich in somatostatin receptors which have a high affinity for Octreotide and as a result, Octreoscan (a radio-labelled Octreotide scintigraphy) is currently employed to detect metastases and recurrent disease with more than 90% sensitivity (45).