[15]. They found external situational impact factors and verified the rationality. In recent years, a comprehensive analysis INK 128 solubility named the Scheme for the Comparative Analysis of Public Environmental Decision-Making (SCAPE) has been developed [16]. The basic idea is that since we cannot understand
every person exactly, why not take individuals as a black box with a system opinion and build a model based on input and output to identify the relationship between behavior and motivations? 2.2. Influencing Factors of Travel Mode Choice Understanding the influencing factors of proenvironmental travel behavior and their individual influencing path is the prerequisite for the scientific development of transportation decision-making and intervention strategies. The factors that influence proenvironmental travel can be divided into individual characteristics, social characteristics, and situational variables. In practice, behavioral change theory prevails to promote the voluntary reduction of car use and a shift to proenvironmental travel, of which some classic economic indicators (such as prices and taxes) and land use, transportation network, and behavior-oriented traffic systems have always been welcomed
[17, 18]. Understanding individual travel decision making is considered the key to promoting large-scale change in proenvironmental travel by public policy and education. The quality of the public transport service, travel characteristics, and personal characteristics are confirmed to exert a significant impact on travel choices [19]. Researchers usually choose factors (variables) according to the purpose of specific research topic and considering the difficulties in data collecting. In this paper, we mainly considered the following aspects when selecting variables as done in similar research: (1) the variables group should effectively express the main relationship between travel decision and factors; (2) when satisfying the first consideration,
a feasible and economical investigation should be taken into our consideration. 3. Model Traditionally, aggregate models were always used to study the influence of psychological variables, but when attempting to investigate the influence of some situational factors, a disaggregate model will be more appropriate. The main reason is that the situational factors can be measured although they Carfilzomib are varied, while psychological variables cannot be measured directly, although they are relatively stable [20]. The basic assumption of the disaggregate model is that when travelers are faced with travel mode choices, the “utility value” of choices can be used to describe travelers’ preference for each travel mode. Utility is the function of the selected object’s properties and the decision makers’ characteristics. The disaggregate model is based on utility maximization theory and random utility theory.