For finding more appropriate cluster centers, a generalized FCM optimized by PSO algorithm [17] was proposed. Shadowed sets are considered as a conceptual and algorithmic bridge between rough sets and fuzzy sets, thereby incorporate the generic merits, and have been successfully used for unsupervised learning. order TBC-11251 Shadowed sets introduce (0,1) interval to denote the belongingness of those clustering points, and the uncertainty among patterns lying in the shadowed
region is efficiently handled in terms of membership. Thus, in order to disambiguate and capture the essence of a distribution, recently the concept of shadowed sets has been introduced [18], which can also raise the efficiency in the iteration process of the new prototypes by eliminating some “bad points” that have bad influence
on cluster structure [19, 20]. Compared with FCM, the capability of shadowed c-means is enhanced when dealing with outlier [21]. Although lots of clustering algorithms based on FCM, PSO, or shadowed sets were proposed, most of them need to input the preestimated cluster number C. To obtain the desirable cluster partitions in a given data, commonly C is set manually, and this is a very subjective and somewhat arbitrary process. A number of approaches have been proposed to select the appropriate C. Bezdek et al. [22] suggested the rule of thumb C ≤ N1/2 where the upper bound must be determined based on knowledge or applications about the data. Another approach is to use a cluster validity index as a measure criterion about the data partition, such as Davies-Bouldin (DB) [23], Xie-Beni (XB) [24], and Dunn
[25] indices. These indices often follow the principle that the distance between objects in the same cluster should be as small as possible and the distance between objects in different clusters should be as large as possible. They have also been used to acquire the optimal number of clusters C according to their maximum or minimum value. Therefore, we wish to find the best C in some range, obtain cluster partitions by considering compactness and intercluster separation, and reduce the sensitivity to initial values. Here, we propose a modified algorithm named as SP-FCM which Entinostat integrates the merits of PSO and interleaves shadowed sets between stabilization iterations. And it can automatically estimate the optimal cluster number with a faster initialization than our previous approach. The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 outlines all necessary prerequisites. In Section 3, a new clustering approach called SP-FCM is presented for automatically finding the optimal cluster number. Section 4 includes the results of experiments involving UCI data sets, yeast gene expression data sets, and real data set. In Section 5, main conclusions are covered. 2.