Pyruvate dehydrogenase is involved in production of energy via glucose metabolism and ANGPTL4, in addition to a role in non proliferation, and has also been shown to be a regulator of glucose homeostasis, lipid metabolism and angiogenesis, but this more conventional path way may be supplemented by the actions of serine threonine kinase ULK1 and a patatin like gene. The for mer has been shown to be involved in autophagy induced by nutrient depletion to provide essential amino acids within cells, whilst the latter may enhance hydrolysis of triglycerides to provide free fatty acids to other tissues to be oxidised in situations of energy depletion. Taken together the results appear to indicate that fish under food deprivation slow down their metabolism to save energy and break down macro molecules to release energy.
Interestingly, two of the genes putatively identified here play roles in human diseases, which may be of rele vance to the condition of the fish in this experiment. Myospryn has been shown to be up regulated in hyper trophy inducing conditions in humans and is involved in maintaining muscle integrity and the phenotype of mutants of the CD151 Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries antigen include fragility of the skin and mucus membranes. Starvation directly affects muscle wastage in mammals and fish. Hence these genes may be playing a similar structural role in fish as they do in humans, and represent novel candidates for understanding this physiological Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries response in fish.
The combined effect of food deprivation and scale removal The most differentially regulated genes in this group of animals display a gene expression profile, which is intermediate between the previous two with representatives of cell proliferation and cell cycle control genes, energy homeostasis, antioxi dant repair enzymes and the immune response. The results of the Dacomitinib gene expression profiles in this group clearly represent the whole organism trade offs that are occurring within the fish for several competing essential Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cellular processes. Food deprivation leads to a reduction in metabolism, but if the animal is chal lenged, then there is the question of what predomi nates in terms of the minimal requirements Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries for survival. Trade offs occur and a recent study in salmon clearly documents the competing transcrip tomic responses to food deprivation and immune chal lenge.
Which requirements predominate in this study is difficult to determine and entail further stu dies. Perhaps, not surprisingly, there is an indication that repair processes are slowed under food depriva tion with the enhanced presence of genes involved in blood coagulation and wound healing. To verify this hypothesis, further experimentation will be required with a more detailed sampling regime over the same or a slightly elongated time course with the same treatments.