5 mm when the focusing-flow nozzle is used. In contrast, there are two peaks in Niraparib the velocity distribution profile for the straight-flow nozzle. The distance between the two peaks is approximately 1 mm, which is the same as the nozzle aperture width. In EEM, the shape of the stationary spot profile depends on the distributions of the numbers of particles supplied to and removed from the workpiece surface. Since the diameter of the particles is as large as 2 μm in this study, the
particles move along a streamline. A comparison of the two profiles indicates that a minute stationary spot profile can be obtained using the focusing-flow nozzle because the removal depth is basically proportional to the velocity close to the workpiece surface. Machining experiments Figure 3 shows a schematic drawing of the nozzle-type EEM system. In this system, the mixture fluid, which is composed of ultrapure water and fine powder Saracatinib particles, is supplied from the diaphragm pump to the nozzle head. The nozzle pressure is kept constant using the air compressor in the damper. The workpiece is set on the table in the tank. The table consists of an x-y stage, which controls the workpiece on the horizontal plane, and a z stage, which adjusts the gap between the nozzle and workpiece. The nozzle
has a laminated structure consisting of two ceramic plates and a PF299 mw stainless steel sheet. The stainless steel sheet is cut according to the design of the channel structure. Figure 3 Schematic drawing of the nozzle-type EEM system used in this study. We prepared and installed the two types of nozzle having the same channel structures as those used in the fluid simulations. Several stationary spots were machined on a quartz surface and measured using a microscopic interferometer with an area of view of 3.74 × 2.81 mm2 (ZYGO NewViewTM 700, Zygo Corporation, Middlefield, CT, USA). The velocity was also adjusted in accordance with the simulation. The stand-off distance was varied from 0.4 to 1.8 mm. The experimental parameters are listed in Table 2. Table 2 Experimental parameters in EEM process Parameters
Values Work material Quartz glass Powder particle SiO2 2 μm φ Pressure 0.5 Mpa Machining time 1 min Solution concentration 3 vol.% Stand-off distance 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 mm Figure 4a,b shows the removal second distributions of stationary spot profiles obtained using the straight-flow and focusing-flow nozzles, respectively, when the stand-off distance is 1 mm. Figure 5 shows the cross-sectional profiles of the spots for stand-off distances from 0.4 to 1.8 mm. The stand-off distance affects the shape, depth, and size of the spot. Figure 6 shows the relationship between the stand-off distance, removal volume, and spot size, where the diameter of the region including 80% of the total volume is defined as the spot size. Figure 4 Removal distributions of the stationary spot profiles obtained using the straight-flow and focusing-flow nozzles.